What You Need to Know about Hypnosis before You Decide It’s for You


Hypnosis isn't a chance call

Hypnosis is a treatment option that’s good for many people but you must look at it closely to determine if it’s right for you.

Are you really (honestly) ready to quit smoking or are you doing it because of pressure from others? Hypnosis cannot produce miracles if you are not willing to do the work. Quit for yourself and then let hypnosis help you make the journey.

You need to keep yourself away from situations that may prompt you to want to smoke.

This means avoiding smoking triggers such as people you used to smoke with and places where you used to frequent.

Hypnosis is a proven alternative therapy for smoking but it does not necessarily work for everyone. In the same way some patients are helped a lot with one hypnosis session while others require a number of sessions in order for progress to be made. Be aware that no two patients are the same. Realize you may be someone who requires a number of sessions but do not let this get you down. What worked for someone else may not work for you and vice-versa. This is just the way it goes.

Believe in yourself and be in control of your non-smoking quest. You’ll need to take hold of the steering wheel and get going – the hypnotist is not there to “fix you.”

Develop the proper mindset which is you’re a non-smoker and you’re watching your smoking habit fade into the rear view mirror. The more you believe in yourself the more hypnosis can benefit you.

Post-hypnotic suggestions are sometimes given to patients of hypnosis to help get them out of the smoking trap. In particular it’s often necessary to find a healthy habit to replace the oral fixation of smoking. Post-hypnotic suggestions made to a patient by the hypnotist might be such things as encouraging the patient to chew gum, carrot sticks or celery sticks when the desire to smoke a cigarette arises.

It’s important you research any hypnotists you’re considering. Look into their professional backgrounds, talk to others who have been helped by hypnotists and look at the rates they charge. Some hypnotists charge more than others but this does not mean that they qualify as the very top in their field. Yet other hypnotists charge very low rates in order to corner a market. Research everything you can. It is also important that you do not let yourself be won over by any hypnotist who says they can guarantee successno one can do that, so be smart!

Perhaps you have tried hypnosis before to quit smoking but did not achieve the results you wanted. Maybe there was a problem with the hypnotist or you were just not ready to quit smoking. If you’re reading this chances are it’s time to give it another chance. Try a different hypnotist. The more you know about hypnosis the better. There may be many reasons that it did not work before but open your mind and get ready to see results!

Finally, if you’re interested in more information about my own online or in-office sessions then check out my stop smoking hypnosis programs.

Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis